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A utility module that allows access to the amino acid attributes needed for descriptors and encodings. The list of supported amino acids and post-translations are at the bottom of this page and the data for all attributes are under the


Name Type Description
aromatic_aas list

A list of aromatic amino acids retrieve based on Lobry,1994.

blosum62_scores dict

A dictionary that contains the BLOSUM62 matrix.

descriptor_per_aas dict

A dictionary that contains the all descriptor values per amino acid.

formulas dict

A dictionary that contains the closed formulas of the amino acids.

hydrophobic_aas list

A list of hydrophobic amino acids (Nelson & Cox, 2004).

instabilities dict

A dictionary that contains the instability of amino acids pairs per Guruprasad, Reddy & Pandit, 1990.

n_h_acceptors dict

A dictionary that contains the number of hydrogen acceptors per amino acid according to PubChem.

n_h_donors dict

A dictionary that contains the number of hydrogen donors per amino acid according to PubChem.

n_rotatable_bonds dict

A dictionary that contains the number of rotatable bonds in each amino acid (PubChem).

neg_pks dict

A dictionary that contains the negative pKa values of the amino acids.

pos_pks dict

A dictionary that contains the positive pKa values of the amino acids.

token2label dict

A dictionary that contains the token to label mapping for label encoding. The amino acids are indexed from 1 to 20 in alphabetical order and the modifications are indexed from 21 to 28.

tpsas dict

A dictionary that contains the topological polar surface area of the amino acids, as retrieved from Adhav & Saikrishnan, 2023.

weights dict

A dictionary that contains the molecular weights of the amino acids.

x_logps dict

A dictionary that contains the XLogP values of the amino acids per PubChem.

Supported Amino Acids, Post-translations, and Their Labels

    "A": 1,
    "C": 2,
    "D": 3,
    "E": 4,
    "F": 5,
    "G": 6,
    "H": 7,
    "I": 8,
    "K": 9,
    "L": 10,
    "M": 11,
    "N": 12,
    "P": 13,
    "Q": 14,
    "R": 15,
    "S": 16,
    "T": 17,
    "V": 18,
    "W": 19,
    "Y": 20,
    "S_p": 21,  # Phosphorylated Serine
    "T_p": 22,  # Phosphorylated Threonine
    "Y_p": 23,  # Phosphorylated Tyrosine
    "C_m": 24,  # Methylated Cysteine
    "R_m": 25,  # Methylated Arginine
    "R_d": 26,  # Dimethylated Arginine
    "R_s": 27,  # Symmetrically dimethylated Arginine
    "K_a": 28   # Acetylated Lysine